Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Friday, October 13, 2006

We have arrived in Omaha, and we're beginning to get settled.... sort of. Here's a re-cap... the good, the bad and the ugly:

The trip
The Good
We flew on Northwest via Detroit and had memberships to the airport club. This came in very handy with two kids and our 4 hour delay! Neal and I needed the free beer and wine!

The Bad
Each kid had a massive mother-of-all temper tantrum on one of the legs of the trip. Sophie refused to sit in her seat as the plane was landing in Detroit, and Maggie screamed the whole way from Detroit to Omaha.

The Ugly
The amount that we pay each year for those stupid cards to get into the airport club.... but now we know it's worth it!

Our arrival
The Good
No blood was shed... only a lot of tears.

The Bad
Out of the 6 checked bags, the airline only lost one.... mine.

The Ugly
That bag was delivered to our apartment at 4:25 am. We were FURIOUS! Why couldn't they wait until morning?!?!?!?!?!

Our apartment
The Good
It's a 3-bedroom on one floor. The family across the hall from us (from California) is complaining that it's soooo small, but after 4 floors, we're loving this!

The Bad
It's on the second story, so I have to lug the kids and the gear up and down the stairs.

The Ugly
There's a code to unlock the door, and it never works. So, envision me, standing there holding Maggie, and Sophie being a PITA, along with the diaper bag, groceries, and miscellaneous Starbucks paraphernalia trying to open this GD DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Sophie's school
The Good
It's amazing! she started Monday, the day after we arrived. I'm so pleased with it, and I think I like it even more than Boston Children's if that's possible!

The Bad
The other moms haven't been very welcoming. How come no one's asking me out for coffee???? Maybe because I am driving a cool Swedish station wagon and they are driving big gas guzzling American SUV's!

The Ugly
It's about a half hour from our apartment so it's a PITA to get her there and I just realized that although her name tag clearly spells "Sophie", they have been calling her Sophia. After my conversation today with the teacher, this better not happen again.

Driving the car
The Good
I have new Volvo Cross Country Wagon, mortuary black of course, and it's great! and I filled up the tank for $2.06 the other day. Yippee!!

The Bad
I am doing so much driving that I am filling up the car every other day, and as a city slicker who didn't even own a car, this is a MAMMOTH culture shock.

The Ugly
Maggie hates being in the car and screams whenever I strap her in. Sophie seems to yell, as soon we get out of the driveway, "I WANT MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as if she is in the desert dying to thirst!

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly
Every single chain restaurant you can imagine at every single corner!

Adjusting to Omaha
The Good
I have joined a mother's group and went to a Mom's Night Out. Everyone was very nice and welcoming, and they seemed to be willing to overlook the giant chip on my shoulder.

The Bad
It's a massive culture shock. I miss my house, and my friends, and my community, and most of all, living in a city that I truly love full of all of it's richness, culture and diversity. I will be back as a Bostonian some day, and I truly hope it's before I retire!

The Ugly
Sophie is having massive, perpetual temper tantrums. She's only said that she wants to go home maybe once, but I know this is hard on her. After her first day of school, I asked her if she played with any new friends, and she said, "they aren't my friends". That brings tears to my eyes even now. And Maggie isn't sleeping well, and even though she has her own sheets, and bedding.... it's still not the same. We had a wonderful life in Charlestown, and we miss it every day.

So, that's it... the good, the bad, and the ugly. I hope that the next time I send out an update, it's full of mostly just good!


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