Monday, February 19, 2007

A plane, a baby, a delay and a diaper rash

Last weekend Neal and I went back to Boston for a much needed weekend sans kids. We flew to Ohio and dropped the kids off with my parents and then flew to Boston. We had tickets to a black tie party and really needed to just hang out and not worry about getting up at 5:30 am with someone crying "I want milk!".

After two nights at the Bostonian Hotel, where we had our wedding reception we flew back to Ohio on Saturday evening to collect our children. The plan was to fly home Sunday morning, but Maggie had other ideas. She apparently started throwing up early Saturday night, so my blessed mother and I were up with her all night. Needless to say, that child nor her exhausted mother were getting on the plane the next morning. Neal and Sophie returned to Omaha as planned and Maggie, Mimi (my mother) and I went to the emergency room the next day.

Interestingly enough, we got right in to the Emergency Room in little ol' Massillon, Ohio and shock of shocks, my co-pay was only $30.00. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.... but Maggie had an ear infection and since she doesn't like to take any medicine at all, I had the doctor give her a shot of antibiotic. Seemed like a good plan at the time, but was I ever in for a shock...

We got home and she was soon better and we were planning to leave at 1:30 on Monday afternoon, which would put us back in Omaha around 4:30 in time to pick Sophie up from school. There was a big storm coming and I wanted to get back sooner rather than later for fear of being stuck somewhere with Maggie and away from Sophie. When we got to the airport on Monday, our flight was delayed about an hour which, in turn caused us to miss our connection. And then it happened... the side effects of Maggie's new medicine... diarrhea. Maggie literally went through 6 diapers and 3 outfits during our 4 hour stay at the Detroit airport and I ran out of wipes.

To make matters worse, the flights were completely booked and the poor guy in line after me was diverted to Minneapolis and then to Omaha.... if that had happened to us, I would have had kittens right there at the ticket counter. Maggie's at that age where she doesn't want to sit still, or sit on my lap, or watch a DVD.... it's just an impossible age to fly. Even if I bought her a seat, I'd need to physically get the car seat on the plane, strap it in, and then strap her in. She would run wild while I was trying to get all this done.... and then I'd have to carry the stupid thing all by myself around the airport. GRRR!!!! This trip was so bad that the only trips we'll be taking are to Ohio and then to Boston in the summer until Maggie can sit in the seat and watch a mindless DVD like her sister!